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SCHA Bulletin: A Brief And Varied Bag

Hi folks,

A few interesting things are opening up in terms of resources, and of course we are all looking forward to either opening our heritage sites or visiting some after 26th April.

In no particular order:

Museums Galleries Scotland survey to gauge plans and needs for reopening, which they would like returned by 26 April.

Arts & Business Scotland have announced changes to the Culture & Business Fund Scotland (CBFS), with a particular focus on support and match funding through the recovery and renewal period of the Covid-19 pandemic. It crucially relaxes some of the previous eligibility criteria and increases £ for £ match funding.

A&BS are running their second CBFS Online Roadshow on Tuesday 30 March at 11:30am – 1:00pm where you can hear about the changes as well as take part in a walk-through of the CBFS application process online. They will be showing case studies of previous CBFS funded projects that demonstrate best practice to inspire other organisations.

Book now – it’s free and places are limited!

Community Heritage Conversations: the May event will be on developing community engagementSat 8th May 10-12.30

Heritage Trade up: Supported by The National Heritage Lottery Fund, the School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE) is launching HeritageTrade Up – a new training programme to support leaders of up to 52 heritage organisations (see here), and an up to £10k Trade Back grant of up to £10,000 to incentivise organisations to increase their income from trading.This could be a really exciting opportunity for your organisation and for individuals – could your organisation benefit? Do you have just the person who would be great at this? Application closes on 9th April.

A new My Place Sustainability Award:A new round of the My Place awards from the Scottish Civic Trust. Re-use, adaptation and sustainability are all in the new awards, with the winners honoured during COP26. You can also recommend a project or place – even if it isn’t your own!Read about it here, with entry details included.

Finally, you might be interested to see who amongst the non-museums has managed to get some support through resilience funding from Historic Environment Scotland. Congratulations to all of you who feature on the list. answer to your unposken question as to whether any HES grant schemes are open – the answer is probably just contact them. Most strands are closed as per the website, but the grant teams are still working and there are certainly projects out there working towards funding applications.

That’s all for now – remember to put your clocks forward on Sunday and enjoy the longer evenings

All the best


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